Coolest cat in the World taking a bath with her rubber ducklings! 😱

Coolest cat in the World taking a bath with her rubber ducklings!
“OMG, she is so relaxed, breaking the rules! (cats hate water)” 💥
“Wow, so sweet and pawesome kitty!” 👧
“Oh my love I'm dying of cuteness, an  amazing  cat who REALLY likes baths.” 💙 💦
“This is a cat isn't it? My kitty is crying as soon as he enters the bathroom.” 😭
“Sunglasses 🕶 are very important for a bath... in a pool, but in a bathtub? Haha!” 😂
“The dream of every cat Mum.” 😍
“I envy you, you really like water. When my Mom tries to give me a bath I start yelling.” 🙀
“My cat freaks out over water. Your saying 'I just need some duckies'.” 🦆🦆
[Video @abecinema]
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