Jealous cat eliminating rivals! “The only plushie here is me, so the Dinos deserved it.” 😹

Jealous cat eliminating rivals! “The only plushie here is me, so the dinos deserved it.” πŸ˜‚ 🀣
“OK, this explains the extinction of Dinosaurs.” 😭
“NO MERCY! Cat is suiciding the poor stuffed Dinos.” 🀣
“He looked at the second one like:  'Now it's your turn.'” πŸ˜‚
“Very intentional!! Naughty, naughty. Must have enjoyed your look on your face.” πŸ˜‹
“But why, kitty? Whyyyyyy? Still a mystery. Why do (cute) cats love dropping things?!” πŸ˜•
“Why? F*ck us, because CATs!” 😸
“Hmm... Your jerk behavior does not deserve to go to cat heaven.”  😱
“Even from above... Cats reign!” πŸ˜‰
“That's why I love cats, so clever.” 😍
[Video @ιƒ‘ζ˜―ζˆ‘ε‘€]
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