Young orange cat drinking freshest 💦 water flowing freely from...
...a stranger’s bucket, without a care in the world. 😸 💦
“Super Fresh drink.” 👌
“Eyes closed and everything. You know that water is hitting the best of spots” 😂
“If only we could all be this happy just drinking water!” 👨
“This is how I feel drinking from the sink at 2:am when I'm very thirsty.” 😋
“That water looks so fresh and clear. And I know that has to be ice cold too. I wanna be that cat.” 👩
“Cats prefer running water over water in a bowl.” 👍
“Super Fresh drink.” 👌
“Eyes closed and everything. You know that water is hitting the best of spots” 😂
“If only we could all be this happy just drinking water!” 👨
“This is how I feel drinking from the sink at 2:am when I'm very thirsty.” 😋
“That water looks so fresh and clear. And I know that has to be ice cold too. I wanna be that cat.” 👩
“Cats prefer running water over water in a bowl.” 👍