Majestic Calico cat trotting on fall leaves 🍁 πŸ‚ She loves πŸ’› Autumn

Majestic Calico cat trotting on fall leaves πŸπŸ‚ She loves Autumn
“I love how your beautiful fur matches the color of leaves.” πŸ‚ 😻
“You look wonderful today 'Alice'.” πŸ‘ŒπŸ’›
“She’s so go gorgeous!” πŸ₯Ή πŸ‚ 🧑
“Lovely face.” πŸ’
“Her walk is so pretty.” 😍
“Walking as if the ground was made of cotton balls 😹 ❤️ so sweet!”
[Video @alicetortie]
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