Xmas • My cat is mesmerized by our beautiful Christmas ornaments 🌟🌟🌟 👀

Xmas cat GIF • My cat is totally mesmerized by our beautiful Christmas ornaments [ok-cats.com]
“Your cat looks at sparkly ornaments the same way I look at cute kitties!”
“Me when I see glitter.”
“Can you see the twinkle in her eyes?”
“She is so cute! With her eyes all wide and shiny! Like the stars that shine above her at night! ”.
“I'm dyiiiing, so cute! How her eyes just went.”
“The cat is too stunned to meow.”
“Me when I saw bae for the very first time.”
“Cat be like: 'OMG, what is this sparkly thingy its amazingly pretty?'”
[Video @juice.cat]
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