Halloween 🎃 'Fritz' the cat is the new Count 🧛 catgula and he deserves an Oscat

Hallowwen Cat GIF • Fritz the cat is the new Count catgula and he deserves an Oscatr [ok-cats.com]
Your cat is so ameowzing and patient with you. He’s a real purrfessional meowdel 😻
“This Halloween filter is so realistic.” 😨
“Super cool done, getting in the Halloween spirit.”👍🏻  🎃 🧛
“Lord Fritz announces the start of Halloween 🎃 festivities.” ❤️
“Ahhh most handsome Dracula.” 😍
“I love Fritz, he’s such a ham!  And the screechy meows melt my heart, so cute.” 🥰
“Fritz is the new Dracula in small size!”
“AAAAH! Fritz, the lord of darkness. Oh my, I love this cat soooo much 😻
Getting in the spooky mood.”🧛
[Video @furryfritz]
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