“Human, I told you I DO NOT want to eat that food! UNACCEPTABLE!

Funny Cat GIF • Cat does not want to eat new treats. “Unacceptable! can you add bonito flakes on top, please?” [ok-cats.com]
‘Nala’: “Mom, can you add bonito flakes on top, please?” 😸
“Haha my cat won’t eat without treats on top too.“
“Imaginary sands?”
”She's so FAST with her left paw, haha, she really hates that food!”
“‘Nala’ is trying to bury the food like... 💩”
“When my cat does that, it means she doesn't like it or that she wants to throw up.”
“She’s trying to cover up the smell.” 😂
[Video @nala_take]
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