Cute and cool kitten enjoys her bath in a funy way 💕

Cute Kitten GIF • Sweet and cool Persian kitty enjoys her bath in hand owner
“Looks like Gizmo from the movie 'Gremlins'.“
“Very cute like a baby koala ” 🐨
“The frequency of baths will depend on your Persian's fur. A Persian cat will begin to look greasy as it becomes dirtier and mats will increase quickly if the cat is not bathed. A clean Persian's coat is not greasy and will not appear separated. An owner can either bathe their Persian themselves or take it to a professional groomer. However, the type of bath and the products used are important so if you opt to use a groomer make sure you know what products are being used.”
“How cute, patient and sweet 💙 Persian kitty.”
“Waterproof baby is waterproof.” 💦
[Video @persiancatslove]
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