“Now, our cat would stop meowing day & night inside the wall. Problem solved!”

“Bae is like 'OMG, slowly, slowly, you're going to cut kitty's head!”
“Dad, where does cat came from?”
“Now, just put a nice frame on the hole.“
My kid: “So, if I do a hole in the wall a kitty comes out?”
“I'm sure the cat will be needing it again in the future.”
“Haha... hat is this house made of?!”
“Americans and their cardboard houses.”
“In Australia we build houses with bricks, not cardboard.”
“In Finland we build houses with snow and ice.”
“In Japan we build houses with rice.”
“In Russia we build houses with iron and steel.”
“In France we build houses with a mix of baguettes, fromages and vin rouge.”
“In China we build houses with Huawei and TikTok (and D. Trump is not amused).”
“Mwahaha 😂, your comments about walls are funnier than the GIF itself!”

OK human, now gimme a high five...