'Bobbie': “As usual I was moaning and moaning to go outside...

Amazing Cat GIF • A floof in the wind. Gorgeous fluffy cat with hair on the blowing wind (slow motion)
...and my human showed me that it may not be the best idea but actually I didn’t seem to care one jot.” 😹
“'Bobbie', you’re so majestic and magical and magnificent!”
“Her Majesty knows no bounds.”
“Majestic creature.”
“Meownificent beast!”
“'Bobbie', I love your smushy face you're so beautiful.”
“She’s feeling her tornado energy.”
“A floof in the wind.”
“Every diva needs her wind blowing moments.”
“Que pelo tan bello...”
“Hurricane Queen.”
“The could be a commercial for fantastic hair shampoo, lol, or hair product. She is gorgeous!”
“You need a L’OrΓ©al advert 'Bobbie'.”
“Es realmente hermosa, que bonita.”
“That’s the best way to determine wind direction I’ve ever seen!”
 [Video @thatcatbobbie]
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